Some placeholder content for the collapse component.

Some placeholder content for the collapse component. This panel is hidden by default but revealed when the user activates the relevant trigger.



Company description

Kingcair specializes in addressing hair loss, hair care, and hair growth concerns. By leveraging our unique ingredient manufacturing methods and the renowned beauty expertise of K-beauty in Korea, we have developed the EvoCair brand. Our premium products deliver optimal nutrients to nourish the hair follicles roots, promoting healthy growth and maintenance of eyelashes, eyebrows, and hair. What sets our products apart is our specialized EvoCair program, which significantly enhances nutrient absorption for accelerated and effective hair growth. Our commitment is to provide consistent care and results to customers across all locations and time through comprehensive education and seminars.

Previous Event

Let’s meet at


27/07 - 29/07/2023

SECC, Dist. 7, HCMC, Vietnam

Contact information

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